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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Turning your Blog into a Money Making Machine: A Simple Guide

If nobody is reading you, where will you get the visibility needed to attract advertisers? Who will click on your ads? The answer is simple: no one. Being a good blogger involves a lot more than writing great content, it’s also about having good virtual PR skills. You will have to invest a lot of your time reading and participating to conversations on other blogs, submitting your articles to social networking sites and building yourself a large network of like-minded bloggers. Making friends in the blogosphere is the key to success. Friends will link to your articles, put you in their blogroll and talk about you wherever they roam. You’ll also do the same for them, not only because doing this will be profitable to you, but also because you care about the success of everyone.
Some basic english-writing skills
Yes, I know, my english isn’t perfect, but blogs are the realm of the people. Some of them excel in writing, others don’t, but does this stop Google from indexing your pages? Absolutely not. Does it stop people from being interested in what you have to say, as long as you know what you’re writing about? Nope. English is the language of the Internet. If you want to maximize the exposition of your content as an independent blogger, you’ll have to write in English.
After having done all this, your blog will be ready to be monetized. One of the most important things to consider when adding revenue sources to your site is to diversify. Don’t put all your eggs in the same basket! You need a good mix of “cost per click”, “Cost Per Mille” and “Cost per action” ads. Here’s a small definition of each term:
Cost per click (CPC): Form of advertisement that pays you when someone clicks on it.
Cost per Action (CPA): Form of advertisement that pays you when someone accomplishes an action (such as downloading a file or subscribing to a service)
Cost per mille (CPM): Form of advertisement that pays you to display a banner, button or any other form of advertisement 1000 times.
Here is a quick list of advertising services we are using to monetize our blogs. Every single one of these programs has paid us in the past, so if you sign up to them, you won’t have to worry about whether you’re making a good choice or getting ripped off.
Performancing Ads: Amazing 125X125 Ad platform solution. Read more about it here.
Adsense: The Internet #1 money advertisement program. Allows you to display contextual ads on each pages of your site (CPC / CPA).

Chitika eMiniMalls : Allows you to integrate links to products or a shopping mall within you blog (CPC).
Feedburner FAN: A CPM based advertisement network.
Private advertisement deals: Selling ad space privately isn’t difficult when you receive a lot of traffic and have a good technorati / alexa rank. A few people contact us from time to time asking about how much we charge for the top banner (Right now, Novell has the spot), but usually, the offers are too ridiculous to be considered.
As you can see, the new [GAS] is largely free of ads for now and will remain so for a while. Most of our revenues come from the old blog, which allows us to give a small salary to some of our contributors and invest on advertisement and new features for [GAS] 2.0.
Here are a few other interesting ressources that will help you monetize your site:
John Chow dot Com
ProBlogger: helping bloggers earn money
Performancing: Helping bloggers succeed
ShoeMoney: Skills to pay the bills
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